Friday, July 24, 2009

Cherries for Sharon.

"I like cherries and the beach" she said, and I painted something along those lines for her. That is pretty much how commission works. Tell me how much and what, and I will tell you when. This was a $200 piece and it is about 10x12 inches.


die freien said...

Ok, I tell you $25 and that i like cigarettes, beer, wine, cats, books, dance, Long Beach, Manuchao, The Pike, bikes, cherries, weed, beats, meat, coffee, fried bananas, chocolate, the sun, the moon, guys, Peru, and piss people off.

die freien said...
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mikolaj wyszynski said...

Shure thing Mariela, I will do a something for you!

die freien said...

How did you know it was MEEEEE????

mikolaj wyszynski said...

inductive reasoning